About-The Scotting family

From small beginnings in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire (England)  the Scotting family has grown and spread across the world. With branches in America, Australia, New Zealand and Russia!

Research into the family tree so far, indicates that we are all descended from one ancestor.

Edward Scotting (1650-1711)

This site is a work in progress and intends to highlight various aspects of the family history and hopefully provide a platform for people to share.

Main sections will be-



Notable individuals-


  • The Railway
  • Scottings in business

As I say this is a work in progress, so please comment and get in touch if you think other sections/places/people/events deserve addition.

22 thoughts on “About-The Scotting family

  1. Pingback: Hello world! | scottingfamily

  2. I read the book when you sent a copy to my dad victor William scotting some 12 years ago my brother Paul sent me this link so my reply is keep up the good work it was a brilliant book but now I’m not sure which of my brothers have it
    Good luck
    Theresa Abbott scotting

  3. Violet does ring a bell my grandad was Charles prob born around the same time he was married to Hilda Hilda was originally from County Durham they passed away when I was about 8/9 so that was over 40 years ago ask my brother Paul Scotting he might remember more sorry best I can do.

  4. Ok that would be great I would so love to read it again and our son Sean works at BSI British standards institute in w4 I can get him to print it a bit at a time he does nothing else but gets paid to be a computer server engineer lol

  5. I am/was a Scotting in New Zealand, I now use my married name. I was visiting my Aunt yesterday, and she had a book in a binder, with the history of the Scotting and Scotten families. It was quite thick, and included some photographs. I would love to get a digital copy of this book, and wondered if anyone can tell me who to contact. I could then take it to a printer herr in NZ to get it printed.
    Thank you in advance, Sarah Forsyth (nee Scotting)

    • Hi Sarah is your Aunt Dawn Scotting? The book you refer to was collated by David Scotting and Dick Scotton in 2001.I have a paper copy as well. I have tried from time to time to get David’s permission to digitise. I will have another try, have you found us on Facebook we have a couple of pages. SCOTTING A home for all of face books Scottings. and The Descendants of Edward Scotting of Littleport 1759-1816

      • Hi Kris, I don’t know Dawn Scotting, she is not my Aunt… my father was John William Scotting, from St Heliers Bay in Auckland, NZ. He was the eldest son of Albert William Scotting. Thank for pointing me in the direction of those Facebook pages. I have clicked the request to join, and have yet to be approved. I saw a copy of the book the other day. From memory, I think the branch of my Scotting family was near the beginning of it. My grandfather and father had a butchery business in St Heliers, Auckland, and I think there may have been photos? My grandfather was related to Scottings that had a butchery business in Balmain Sydney. I’ve been to the building where the shop once was when I visited Sydney. I don’t necessarily need a digital copy of the book, I just thought there could be one? I’d be happy to buy or pay postage for a paper copy from David. Id like to get several copies, one each for both of my sons, and another for my brother, Sam Scotting, who lives in Sydney Australia.

  6. HI Sarah I’ve found you in the book!

    Dawn Scotting is one of the main Scotting family historians, she married into the family, her husband Dennis was an English born migrant so not one of the early NZ Scottings like your family. Dawn is admin of the Facebook group I believe and when you are accepted you will see she has scanned and posted a lot of the book on there.

    I’ve taken a few photos for you so will add a New Zealand page on here and add them 🙂

    I’ve also got an extensive family tree on my other machine so will have a look at how we are related and send you a PDF.

    Take Care


  7. Is this website still active? I have commented before, I have traced my ancestry back to Great Great Grandfather William Scotting 1798 – 1868. He was apparently a beer house keeper according to census records. I found a snippet of information today, copied here….KPSE – Petty Sessions Records: Ely and South Witchford Division
    A – Administration records
    D – Informations and Complaints
    22 – Informations and complaints 1839
    Reference number
    James Smith, police officer of Littleport, against William Scotting, landlord, for breaking the terms of his licence
    1 January 1839
    Ely and South Witchford Petty Sessions Division
    Cambridgeshire Archives

  8. I have at last located the grave of my Grandfather, William Scotting 1876-1941. It is located in The City Of London Cemetery. Burial Date 9th June 1941
    Entry No – 405236 Square – 20 Number – 109661
    What3Words ///hired.adjust.alarm.

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